Publish Emails as EPiServer Pages

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One of the small projects I've been working on recently is a plug-in for EPiServer CMS 5 that automatically will check a specified email-account and publish the emails there as EPiServer pages. While POP3 may sound both boring and old-fashioned, I can imagine several practical uses of this. Imagine for instance the CEO of your company sending out his weekly newsletter (which he always insists on sending out as email cause he hasn't really grasped the hole intranet concept yet) - now, all he has to do is to CC (or better yet BCC) the secret email-address for the EPiServer intranet - and voila - the newsletter is automatically transformed to a page on the Intranet as well. Or perhaps you could consider the busy traveling salesman who feels an urgent need to brag about a new named customer on his internal company blog, so he uses his cell-phone to take a picture of the customer and sends it as an email - directly from the phone to his blog!

The plug-in I've made is just a simple scheduled job, that retrieves the account-information from a new section in the web.config of the EPiServer installation (yes, in a later version I'll add a UI to this as well - don't worry). The configuration specifies which email-accounts to check, which logins to use and the mapping to EPiServer pages.

Check out the live demo at

Soon, I'll hopefully pull myself together to put the project for download here at the labs site. Until then, if you need it urgently, send me a mail or drop a comment here to hurry my up!

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