NTI x CodeArt: Elegant cooperation with day-to-day solutions
NTI was looking for someone to help out with the daily challenges in their online presence and create crisp and easy solutions. With CodeArt as a new player on the team, they now have someone to solve their online problems quickly and smoothly.
"We were looking for a collaboration partner that would be committed and where we felt there was a great deal of day-to-day solutions,” the Chief Marketing Officer at NTI, Henriette Tamasauskas, explains.
NTI is a leading company within digital solutions targeted at the construction industry. They are dependent on being able to adjust their digital solutions quickly to make employees as well as customers happy. Because of this need they were looking for someone to collaborate with to help them create the absolute best solution.
By coincidence Henriette was sitting next to Allan Thraen from CodeArt at an informal Episerver event. He was explaining what CodeArt could offer within Episerver solutions – this was fitting exactly what NTI was looking for and this conversation marked the beginning of the collaboration between NTI and CodeArt.