Announcement: WikiX is here!

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We've just released a beta version of the new Wiki for EPiServer CMS, called WikiX.

It started off as an EPiServer Research project a long time ago - and the first and most difficult task was actually to establish what a wiki really is - and more importantly what the difference is between a wiki and a CMS like EPiServer. In the summer partner summit I had the pleasure of giving a demo on a very basic prototype of the Wiki, and now we finally found time to reimplement the prototype and make it available as open source so everybody can play around with it.

WikiX is released AS OPEN SOURCE under the LGPL license.

WikiX is based on EPiServer CMS 5 R2, the Tiny MCE editor and JQuery - and it's filled with nice features you can use - both when implementing a wiki - but also for many other projects.

Among those are:

  • ASP.NET UrlRouting
  • Support for Wiki Syntax and quick links
  • Autocomplete search box
  • Advanced use of Dynamic Content
  • Management of multiple editors working on the same document
  • Discussion forum for each article
  • Version history - and the ability to restore entire articles from a given point in time.
  • And much, much more.


Jacob Khan and I will the following days (ok - maybe not on chrismas eve) be writing a number of blog posts describing some of the cool features and their implementation in detail.


Enjoy - and merry christmas!

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